Act giving ceremony of the XXV Call of Prizes J. García Siñeriz (2018-2019)
The next day, November 19, 2019 at 12:00 pm, will be held in the Cloister of the School of Mines and Energy (Ríos Rosas, 21 28003 Madrid) the award ceremony of Geophysics Awards J. García Siñeriz in its XXV call. The Magfco Rector. from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Mr. Guillermo Cisneros Pérez will present the awards.
You can download your invitation here.
In this act a plaque of recognition will be delivered to the scientific career of Professor Agustín Udías Valiña S.J., Catedrático in Geophysics in Universities of Barcelona and Complutense of Madrid and visitor Professor in most prestigious american and european universities.